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Slide Images

Hover Tips

Comming Soon


As the rise of ajax, we may use fewer page to display our website, but the bookmark problem become a difficulties of the developers. cjchangeurl use HTML5 pushstate (html5 supported browsers) and the hash (IE) to solve the problem. It provide a next and previous callback to handle the new page and the back of history.

Scroll Area

Comming Soon

Custom Select box

Comming Soon

How to use?

It is very simple to use cjslideshow:

Firstly, include a jquery libery in your head

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.latest.js"></script>

Download jQuery from jquery.com.
You can also use the CDN from google:

Secondly, include Cjslideimg

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.cjslideimg.min.js"></script>

Lastly, call the function after document ready

$(document).ready(function() {
	$("#slideimg").cjslideimg({width: 500; height: 300});


In the html part, simply add a div with a id and place the img inside it


Name Default Description
Width 500 The exact width of the slide Show (Must Set)
Height 300 The exact height of the slide Show (Must Set)
Speed 1500 The duration of the effect on each change
duration 6000 The time interval between each change
effect gradient 'gradient', 'fade', 'random', and (ui effect listed in introduction)
interactive false false for only effect on the layer being hidden, true for effect on both two layer
noeffect [] Exclude unwanted effect (only useful if using random effect) data in array format (e.g. [explode,fold])
direction left Define the direction of the effect (only useful on some ui effect such as 'slide'
desc false Show description on the bottom (define by title on the img)
descShow hover show type of description, 'hover' or 'fixed'
descBackground #000 The background of the description layer (You can use color and also image background
descOpacity 0.7 The opacity of the description layer
descHeight 30 Height of Description layer
descPadding 5 Padding of Description layer
button false Show navigation button
buttonBG images/navigator.png Navigation button image and size, as it use same width and height, so it support Circle or Square only. Your image should in the order 'normal','hover','active'
buttonSize 8
runreverse false Reverse effect direction when go to the first img from last img
imglink false Add link on each frame (define by dir on the img)
delayStart 0 Delay the start time of the animation